06/08  "Praise God my brethren!  It is good news that I received the other box of soccer balls yesterday, and we are indeed happy, so the debt is to us to do the great commission (matthew 28:16-20).  I want to assure with all zeal I have that only be expectant waiting to hear the testimonies, and see the pictures of what the Lord is doing here in Uganda.  It is our prayer that the Lord may increase your funds, that at least only once you come and minister to the Ugandans.  I know if God says yes no body can say no;  All my people and Church members are on their knees for you that the Almighty may prosper you and all things you are touching.  Pray for us that we may get the funds to do all the traveling because some schools are a great distance from where we stay.  Once again thanks very much for the assistance, and the work of the great commission.  Remember to let me know what God is doing through you.  May He grant you all the desires of thine hearts (ps. 37:45).  I remain your co-worker."  - Pastor H.M., Uganda

I shared with the mission team going to Uganda about the soccer ball of many colors.  The children there are in such dire conditions and danger.  I was told by the mission team that it (the soccer ball of many colors) was a very powerful witnessing tool and held the attention of the children as well as the adults.  They shouted with glee when it was shown to them and especially when they were told they could play with it.